Monday, March 17, 2008

Maddness mistaken for sanity.

My hubby is living under the misconception that iam one of those sane people and whenever things go out of hand ......he still thinks he's dealing with a sane person who has lost it .

Poor chap does one disabuse one of their misconceptions............the reason i married him was coz i needed some stability.( coz if i know of one totally sane person, he is the chap for you)

I even suspect worse...... i think he doesnt know ,the extent of the said MAD condition ,i know this for certain coz he asked me to learn to control my emotions...or why not pop a pill...........what he doesnt realise is......that if it was only a matter of control.....the world would be filled with sane people and "MADNESS " would be a disease which has been wiped off the face of the earth.

As if!!!!

If only!!!!

Whatever the reasons it tickles me pink to think , somebody thinks of me as sane............
Ain't hubby a barrel of laughs??????

P.s : iam not a total mad person.......most of the time i think iam pretty sane......just have my episodes you know.......if hubby you ever read this pleez understand i was having one of my mad episodes while writing this, refrain from taking it personally.(that's a relief)


The Deep One said...

Sweetheart, you will always be one of the most sane people I have ever met, inspite of all your insane episodes. In sanity or insanity, till death us do part :)

The Ketchup Girl said...

god. virtual love. this is what our generation should be accused of. ding things the impersonal way. :). But j, u'll remain the most insane person. the nuttier u act, the better i feel. feel like i have company, u know.