Friday, November 30, 2007

The Decision.

Scout was on her way out, she had decided she had enough of the boredom in her life ,to take another minute of it.
She dressed in a hurry and dashed out of the house, now that she stood on the road,the previous frenzy to get out was replaced with doubts about what she had planned to do.
nevertheless she hailed a cab, shaking off the persistent nagging thoughts that she would deeply regret her decisions.

Standing at the foot of the stairs,after carrying out her plan,she found herself staring at the ticket she had purchased,she could feel her heart beating with the exhilaration of simply following her heart, mixed with a nervous tension at the boldness of her actions.

With clammy hands and shining eyes,she headed home to pack.....she packed with a desperation that said that, if she stopped,it would be back to the good old life , that coupled with fear she would chicken out kept her awake all night.

Scout left for the airport an hour earlier than necessary,the airport somehow calmed her down, instead of a feeling of dread, she began to feel a sense of purpose, of being one with million travellers . she studied their faces wondering what stories lie behind it all. she knew they could guess but her secret was safe, they couldnt read her mind , they hadnt a clue who she was deep down, how unique and special.

Boarding the plane, was no longer the Scout who couldnt take her destiny in her hands. This Scout was different she knew what she wanted to do and wasnt afraid anymore.
The hiding was over, she was free and leaving on a jetplane, the future along with the present was her's and her's alone.

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